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M O R E   A B O U T  J W C  

Jesus Worship Center is a place for real, everyday people.  We are all far from perfect.  Everyone is welcome to attend, no matter where they are on their spiritual journey.

You don’t have to dress up or meet an age criteria.  We don’t care where you live, or what kind of car you drive.  Just come as you are. Don’t let a chair rob you of your worship.  Take a risk.  Branch out and meet some new people.  Get involved.  Go deeper. Life is to be lived, and if the God we serve is alive, then church should be alive and filled with passion.​

-Pastor Clifton LeJeune

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Whether you’ve experienced one of our Sunday morning worship services, one of our Intentional Discipleship midweek services, or maybe you’re just trying to decide whether it would be worth your time to visit . . . we want you to have an idea of what we’re about. We believe the church has a two-fold mandate: to preach the Gospel and to make disciples of that Gospel.


P A S T O R A L  



Clifton J. LeJeune became our pastor on January 1, 1995.

Our leadership team is strong and united. 

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Children's Pastor,

Crystal L. Marceaux

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Senior Pastor, 

Clifton J. LeJeune

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Student Pastor,
Natalie Trahan

Assistant Pastor,
Ricky Richard




All of the ministries at JWC are led by qualified team leaders who are overseen by six Directors.

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liter is just a little more than a quart...and a quart is a commonly accepted standard unit of measure.

A 'liter' therefore, is just a little bit more than what's commonly accepted as standard and usual.

T R I B E  L I T E R S

A tribe has about six to eight families in their group. Tribe “Liters” are committed Christians, who provide the following services for the members of their respective tribes:


•Call the name of each member of the tribe in prayer daily
•Be the first point of contact should a tribe member need information about JWC, 
services, or events
•Be the first point of contact should a tribe member need prayer.
•Tribe liters often host or coordinate fellowship and activities for their tribe

All of our tribes are grouped into larger tribes that are overseen by Tribe Chiefs. This allows for ministry to occur to people on an individual level. As our church grows, the more tribes we'll add.  If you'd like to be connected with a tribe, fill out the form below.

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